- Featured
The Martin Luther King Conspiracy
Exposed in Memphis
- by Jim Douglass
- Probe Magazine
- According to a Memphis jury's verdict on December 8, 1999, in the wrongful death
lawsuit of the King family versus Loyd Jowers "and other unknown
co-conspirators," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a conspiracy
that included agencies of his own government. Almost 32 years after King's
murder at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis on April 4, 1968, a court extended the
circle of responsibility for the assassination beyond the late scapegoat James
Earl Ray to the United States government. READ
MORE . . .
- Who Killed John Lennon?
- Government officials had been keeping strict tabs on the ex-Beatle they
referred to as "Mr. Lennon." But the official U.S. war against Lennon began in
earnest in 1972 when he was served with deportation orders. While the orders
were supposedly for a four-year-old marijuana conviction in Great Britain, what
Lennon didn't realize was that Nixon was personally driving the effort to have
him deported.
- Jack
silences accused President Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
- A
Nixon-Ruby Connection
- This FBI-document of 1947 recommends that "one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago"
should not be called to testify for the Committee on Unamerican Activities, for
he is working for Congressman Richard M. Nixon. According to the Warren
Commission, Ruby had no connections with Oswald, Organized Crime or the
Government. No wonder the header reads "This is sensitive".
- William F. Pepper - An Act of State - The
Execution of Martin Luther King
- So we got this case before Judge Swearingen, who was not in
good health. We tried the case in 1999 for 30 days: 70 witnesses, 4,000 pages of
transcript that today is up on the website of the King Center --
thekingcenter.com has all of the testimony of this. [5] And for the first time
under oath in any assassination's case in the history of this country, or
perhaps any other, there is the complete picture of how Martin Luther King was
killed. There is every answer to every question. There is why the bushes were
cut down the next morning. Who cut them down. Who asked to have them cut down.
There is every piece of information there. For history more than anything else.
It took this jury 59 minutes to come back with an award and with a verdict on
behalf of the family against Jowers and known and unknown conspirators in the
government of the United States, the state of Tennessee, and the city of
Memphis. The family felt and feels vindicated. They feel comfortable that they
know now how it happened and why it happened. The reasons were all laid out.
Pearl Harbor: Fifty Years of
At 7:49 a.m. on Sunday, December 7, 1941, 183 Japanese dive- and
torpedo-bombers, accompanied by Zero escorts, launched the first of two attacks
against the American base at Pearl Harbor. A second wave of 168 Japanese
aircraft arrived at 9 a.m. Eighteen operational warships, including four
battleships, were sunk or heavily damaged; 188 aircraft were destroyed. 2,403
Americans were killed, among them 68 civilians, and 1178 were wounded.
- The Taking of America
- The taking of America has been both a simple
and a very complex process. It has not been the result of a coup d'etat,
although some aspects of the process resemble a coup. It has not been a process
similar to the dictatorship takeovers in Germany, Italy and other fascist
regimes. It has not been a process like the Communist "uprisings" in Russia,
Hungary and other Eastern European countries.
- Eisenhower's Farewell Address
- My fellow Americans:
- President, and all who will labor with him,
Godspeed. I pray that the coming years will be blessed with peace and prosperity
for all.
The New Pearl Harbor
- By David Ray
- In many respects, the strongest evidence
provided by critics of the official account
. . .
- Solving the OJ Simpson Murder
- When properly scrutinized, not a single piece of evidence implicates O.J. Police .
- .
- The (Secret) Heartbeat of America
- Mena, Arkansas. If you haven't heard of it,
don't worry: either you will, in which US Government drug policy is, "If you
have to ask, you're not allowed to know." .
- Hellwell Dynasty: Drug Dealers Among Us
- The 50's were the years of CIA covert
operations in Latin America, designed to BURMA CIA drug cartel #1. . .
- The following is a partial list of a large
number of persons who have recently met untimely deaths . . .
 - The Martyrdom of Julius
- Julius Streicher -- martyred Crusader For
Truth: Julius Streicher is the most greatly went to their deaths on the gallows
at Nuremberg on October 16, 1946, Streicher alone died solely for his speeches
of World War II. . .