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 Osama Bin Laden


 How the CIA created Osama bin Laden
100% How the CIA created Osama bin Laden. BY NORM DIXON ©, 19 September 2001 ... of mercenaries recruited and paid for by bin Laden, were armed by the CIA. ...www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/CIA_Created_Osama.htm

Chris Floyd: Bush, bin Laden, BCCI and the 9/11 Commission
100% The CIA uncovered the bank's criminal activities in 1981--no great feat, ... Bush, bin Laden, BCCI and the 9/11 Commission. by CHRIS FLOYD ... www.counterpunch.org/floyd01312003.html - 18k -

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset Tim Osman
100% Tim Osman (Ossman) has recently become better known as Osama Bin Ladin. Tim Osman was the name assigned to him by the CIA for his tour of the U.S. and ... whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/binladen_cia.... - 4k -

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG): Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
100% Outlines the history of Osama Bin Laden and the links of the ... The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July in Dubai. ...www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO109C.html

The CIA Osama Bin Laden: - G. W. Grant Book at Yahoo! Shopping
100% Yahoo! Shopping is the best place to comparison shop for The CIA Osama Bin Laden: - G. W. Grant Book. Compare products, compare prices, read reviews and merchant ...shopping.yahoo.com/p:The%20CIA%20

page on Osama Bin Laden
100% CIA unclassified fact sheet on bin Laden (3 pages). Murder by the book (8 pages) ... www.thesmokinggun.com/binladen/binladen.shtml - 9k -

The Rise of bin Laden - The New York Review of Books
100% While they watched, one senior official after another from the Clinton or Bush administrations spoke of the numerous attempts by the CIA ... www.nybooks.com/articles/17114 - 8k -

Osama bin Laden, A.K.A. CIA Asset "Tim Osman"
100% Tim Osman (Ossman) has recently become better known as Osama Bin Ladin. ... was the name assigned to him by the CIA for his tour of the U.S. and U.S. ...whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/binladen_cia.html?q=binladen_cia.html

Bin Laden: the CIA's Frankenstein
100% to blame for the terrorist activities of Bin Laden, it's the CIA. ... Bin Laden and his followers learned all their tricks from the master terrorists: the CIA. ...www.plp.org/misc/oblncia.html

Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation
100% Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are direct creations of western intelligence as we have thoroughly documented. Al Qaeda itself was a joint CIA/ISI intelligence ... infowars.net/articles/december2007/041207Laden.h... - 30k -

CIA: Osama Bin Laden Is Still Enemy No. 1
100% The CIA is going public with a promise that the al Qaeda chief is still Enemy No. 1. In recent comments, speeches, and interviews, officials have been reiterating their pledge to ... www.usnews.com/blogs/washington-whispers/2008/12/1/cia-osama-bin-laden-is-still-enemy-no-1...

CIA Closes Unit Focused on Capture of Bin Laden
100% bin Laden and his deputies remained a high priority, and that the decision ... www.commondreams.org/headlines06/0704-05.htm - 15k -

CIA Factsheet on bin Laden
67% From a site selling books, the free, unclassified CIA fact sheet on Osama bin Laden. www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/binladen1.html - 7k -

Bin Laden Issue Station - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
0% Bin Laden, the CIA now learned, had planned multiple terrorist operations and ... against bin Laden and "previewed the new strategy to senior CIA management by ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Laden_Issue_Station

Bin Laden CIA links - 911myths
0% The CIA trained Osama bin Laden and other Arabs in the techniques of terrorism ... not discover any evidence of direct contact between CIA officers and bin Laden ...911myths.com/index.php/Bin_Laden_CIA_links

Green Left - Cover Story: How the CIA created Osama bin Lade...
0% Mar 8, 1985 ... The ISI was the first recipient of the vast bulk of CIA and Saudi Arabian covert assistance for the Afghan contras. Bin Laden was one of ... www.greenleft.org.au/2001/465/25199 - 29k -

World Press Review - Osama Bin Laden - Afghanistan - CIA
0% Ranjit Bhushan, of New Delhi's Outlook Magazine, looks at Osama Bin Laden, the CIA, and Afghanistan ... it may sound, Osama bin Laden, the most-wanted man in ...www.worldpress.org/1101binladen_cia.htm

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
0% The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to 10 September 2001, Penguin Press; ISBN 1-59420-007-6; Randal, Jonathan. Osama:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden

CIA Shuts bin Laden Unit
0% www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/04intel.html?_r=1oref=sloginpagewanted=print - [

Kurt Nimmo: Bin Laden and the CIA
0% Bin Laden and the CIA. Is Bush Guilty of Mass Murder? By KURT NIMMO " ... Bush didn't kill bin Laden because the Saudi is a CIA asset. ...www.counterpunch.org/nimmo01282003.html

YouTube - Good Morning America learns that Bin Laden is CIA
0% Good Morning America host Chris Cuomo is schooled by four Pakistanis on Bin Laden's CIA connections. Cuomo seems surprised. For more info please visit:info...www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UGXVic15ho

CIA head says bin Laden isolated, fighting to survive
0% WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence agencies believe Osama bin Laden is isolated from al Qaeda and spending much of his energy merely surviving, the head of the CIA said on ... www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/13/binladen.cia

CNN.com - Bergen: Bin Laden, CIA links hogwash - Aug 24, 200...
0% CNN terrorism analyst Peter Bergen says the notion that Osama bin Laden once worked for the CIA is simply a folk myth and that theres no shred of ... www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/08/15/bergen.answ... - 57k -

CIA Learned in '02 That Bin Laden Had No Iraq Ties, Report Says...
0% The CIA learned in late September 2002 from a high-level member of Saddam Hussein's inner circle that Iraq had no past or present contact with Osama bin ... www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/14/AR2006091401545.html - 92k - indexed: 7 hours ago - published: Sep 14 2006 -

CIA Director: Bin Laden Isolated
0% The director of the U.S. intelligence agency says al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden appears to be isolated from the terrorist group's day-to-day operations and has been forced to ... www.voanews.com/english/2008-11-14-voa10.cfm

Bin Laden aide reportedly in custody - Terrorism- msnbc.com
0% The CIA has interrogated Rahim. “I can’t characterize the nature of his ... www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23634666/ - 55k - published: 9 months ago -

Bin Laden met the CIA - 911myths
0% Most claims about bin Laden's "CIA links" date back to 1980's ... covert linkage between the CIA and bin Laden," according to a French intelligence source. ...www.911myths.com/index.php/Bin_Laden_met_the_CIA

CNN.com - White House releases bin Laden memo - Apr 12, 2004
0% The names of countries that supplied the CIA with intelligence have been removed from the memo dealing with Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network and dated ... www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/10/bush.briefing/ - 53k - indexed: 12 hours ago - published: Apr 12 2004 -

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July | World news...
0% Nov 1, 2001 ... Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the ... www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/nov/01/afghanistan... - 76k -

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden
0% How the CIA created Osama bin Laden. BY NORM DIXON ... of mercenaries recruited and paid for by bin Laden, were armed by the CIA. ...propagandamatrix.com/how_the_cia_created_osama_bin_laden.html

U.S. Transfers Bin Laden Aide - washingtonpost.com
0% U.S. Transfers Bin Laden Aide. CIA Moves Former Translator to Guantanamo, Officials Say. CIA Director Michael V. Hayden said detainee Muhammad Rahim "gave ... www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/14/AR2008031403702.html - 108k - published: 9 months ago -

CIA: Osama Bin Laden Is Still Enemy No. 1 - Washington Whispers ...
0% The CIA is kind of miffed with suggestions that it isn't looking hard enough for bin Laden. ... By Paul Bedard, Washington Whispers. The CIA is going public with a promise that the ... www.usnews.com/blogs/washington-whispers/2008/12/1/cia-osama-bin-laden-is-still-enemy-no-1...

When Will Obama Give Up the Bin Laden Ghost Hunt? - TIME
0% In a talk at the Atlantic Council this week, CIA director-general Michael Hayden said Osama bin Laden is alive. I'll take his word for it. But bin Laden's ... www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1859354,00.html?iid=tsmodule - 40k - indexed: 2 days ago - published: 1 month ago -

CIA biographies and investigations of bin Laden,
0% CIA, Usama bin Ladin: Islamic Extremist Financier, 1996.. This CIA assessment, released to the media in 1996, provides background information on bin Ladin ... www.gwu.edu/%7Ensarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB55/index1.html - 48k - indexed: 1 hour ago - published: Sep 10 2001 -

Bin Laden: the former CIA 'client' obsessed with training pilots ...
0% Stories about him are legion. How he was known as one of the ... Bin Laden: the former CIA 'client' obsessed with training pilots Special report:www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/sep/13/september11.usa19

Bin Laden comes home to roost - - MSNBC.com
0% Michael Moran looks at U.S. ties to Osama bin Laden, trained and funded by the CIA to wreak havoc on the Soviet Army and now turning his talents on Americans.www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3340101

CIA: Osama Bin Laden Is Still Enemy No. 1 - Washington Whisp...
0% Dec 1, 2008 ... The CIA is kind of miffed with suggestions that it isnt looking hard enough for bin Laden. www.usnews.com/blogs/washington-whispers/2008/12... - 42k -

Article: Clinton Blew It On Bin Laden: Ex-Cia Official
0% Register today for a free trial, credit card req'd. Find Chicago Sun-Times articles plus many other academic journal articles, magazine articles newspaper archives.www.highbeam.com/reg/reg1.aspx?origurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hi...s_908

Bin Ladens, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror
0% This article, republished from 1998 sheds light on how Bin Laden became a “ reliable” partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow. ... www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1245.ht... - 19k -

ABC News: CIA Chief: Bin Laden Alive, Worried About 'Own Security'
0% Osama bin Laden is alive and hiding in Pakistan, said CIA chief Michael Hayden, though the terrorism leader has little oversight of the al Qaeda daily operations.abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=6248595page=1

CIA: Hunt for bin Laden still a top priority , Salon
0% CIA: Hunt for bin Laden still a top priority. By PAMELA HESS ... www.salon.com/wires/ap/2008/11/13/D94EAU800_cia_al_qaida/email.html - 27k - indexed: 3 days ago - published: 1 month ago -

CIA: Hunt for bin Laden is on , Salon
0% CIA: Hunt for bin Laden is on. By PAMELA HESS Recipient's e-mail address:. Separate up to 10 e-mail addresses with commas. ... www.salon.com/wires/ap/2008/11/13/D94E8UU02_cia_al_qaida/email.html - 27k - published: 1 month ago -

CIA confirms speaker on tape is bin Laden - Terrorism- msnbc.com
0% CIA confirms speaker on tape is bin Laden. Al-Qaida leader vows strikes against U.S. in audio aired by Al-Jazeera. NBC VIDEO ... www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10924015/ - 60k - published: Jan 19 2006 -

CIA Focuses on bin Laden Successors as Much as Terror Leader's ...
0% WASHINGTONCIA Director Michael Hayden says there is "a big and continual push" to capture or kill Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, but his demise won't ... www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,358543,00.html - 47k -

CIA disbands Bin laden unit | World news | The Guardian
0% Nearly five years after George Bush vowed to bring Osama bin Laden to justice ... Nearly five years after George Bush vowed to bring Osama bin Laden to justice dead or alive, it ... www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/jul/04/usa.alqaida

0% cia var tc_off = false; var rsi_off = false; var tc_Saf=(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')!=-1); var tc_Tac = 1; var rsi; var rsiOnLoad; var timeNow = 1230527592562; var randomTag = -1244452118 var trck_OnLoadSave = window.onload; window.onload = trck_OnLoad; More Sponsored Links For:

CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July , World news , ...
0% The CIA chief was seen in the lift, on his way to see Bin Laden, and later, it is alleged, boasted to friends about his contact. He was recalled to ... www.guardian.co.uk/waronterror/story/0,1361,584444,00.html - 75k - indexed: 1 day ago - published: Nov 01 2001 -

CNN.com - Europe: No deal with bin Laden - Apr 15, 2004
0% European politicians have ruled out negotiating with Osama bin Laden after a tape the CIA says is likely to be that of the al Qaeda leader offered a truce to European nations if ... www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/04/15/binladen.tape/index.html

FOXNews.com - Dispelling the CIA-Bin Laden Myth - Opinion
0% Dispelling the CIA-Bin Laden Myth, It is time to lay to rest the nagging doubt held by many Americans that our government was somehow responsible for ... www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,98115,00.html - 53k -

CIA Closes Bin Laden Search Unit
0% CIA Closes Bin Laden Search Unit ... CIA Closes Bin Laden Search Unit Michael Scheuer, former head of the bin Laden unitwww.wtopnews.com/?sid=839943nid=93

Bin Laden: the former CIA 'client' obsessed with training pilots...
0% Information about bin Laden and al-Qaida which emerged during the 2001 trial in New York for the bombing of two US embassies in east Africa in 1998. www.guardian.co.uk/wtccrash/story/0,1300,551037,00.html - 80k - published: Sep 13 2001 -

Conception, birth and ...
0% · The new view of al ... ·

Decade worth of messages, interviews from bin Laden leaked to web ...
0% Ten years of messages and interviews with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden have been leaked. Translated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the documents were ... en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikileaks_obtains_10_years_of_messages,_interviews_from_Osama_bin_Lad...

Bin Laden Expert Steps Forward, Ex-CIA Agent Assesses Terror...
0% Hes one of the worlds foremost experts on Osama bin Laden, but until Friday - when he resigned from the CIA - the public knew him only as Anonymous. www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/11/12/60minutes/mai... - 100k -

Understanding the Present Campai
0% Oswald of the World Trade Center mass murder, CIA operative Osama bin Laden. ... Black Pope's SS/CIA was giving aid and weapons to Bin Laden to fight the Black ...www.vaticanassassins.org/cia_bin_laden.htm

ABC News: CIA: We Got Bin Laden Translator
0% CIA: We Got Bin Laden Translator ... Muhammad Rahim Was Secretly Held by the CIA Before Being Transferred to Gitmoabcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=4453407page=1

CIA: Osama Bin Laden Alive, Worried | Drudge Retort
0% Osama bin Laden is alive and ... Osama bin Laden is alive and putting a lot of energy into his own security, CIA director Michael Hayden said.feeds.drudge.com/~r/retort/~3/454299120/cia-osama-bin-laden-alive-worried

Was Bin Laden A CIA Agent?
0% Was Bin Laden A CIA Agent? ... EVTV1 - Experience The Difference - EVTV1 brings you the best and most diverse video clips.www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=10792

The new view of al ...
0% · The first capture ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Laden_Issue_Station

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden - New York ...
0% bin Laden and his deputies remained a high priority, and that the decision ... bin Laden to justice "dead or alive." The realignment reflects a view that ... www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/04intel.html?ex=1309665600en=3779ed9b98bb9d22ei=5088 - 48k - published: Jul 04 2006 - [

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban
0% Since September 11, CIA officials have been claiming they had no direct link to bin Laden. These denials lack credibility. Earlier this year, the trial of ... www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Afghanistan/Afghanist... - 34k -

Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man - Times Online
0% said Bin Ladens role among Islamic militants was changing. He Krongard also acknowledged that the CIA was still having trouble planting ... www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-1431539,00.html - 84k - indexed: 8 hours ago - modified: 1 month ago - [

The Blotter
0% The CIA created bin Laden for their own purposes and theyre keeping him hidden ..... Everybody knows that CIA asset Tim Osman (aka Osama Bin Laden) died of ... blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/02/cia_bin_lad... - 365k -

The first capture ...
0% en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Laden_Issue_Station

CIA: Hunt for bin Laden still a top priority
0% WASHINGTON -- Osama bin Laden is isolated from the day-to-day operations of al-Qaida, but the terrorist organization he built is spreading its influence in Africa and the Middle ... www1.whdh.com/news/articles/national/BO95109

Osama Bin Laden - A CIA Creation and It's Blowback
0% From The Wilderness Publications has been as much as a year ahead of the mainstream media on major stories. Now, as the world is undergoing one of the biggest changes in human ... www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/08_01_98_osama_bin_laden.html

CIA: "Osama Bin Laden Helped
0% But the CIA analysts also felt that bin-Laden might have recognized how Bush’s policies – including the Guantanamo prison camp, the Abu Ghraib scandal and ... www.consortiumnews.com/2006/070306.html - 30k - published: May 01 2006 -

Context of Late 1980s: Bin Laden, CIA, and ISI Train Core o...
0% He and many others from the Philippines had their training paid for by the CIA and Pakistani ISI (see Late 1980s). “Osama bin Laden wanted to expand his ... www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a1980ssa... - 55k -

Is Osama bin Laden Dying ... Again? - TIME
0% A CIA assessment says the al-Qaeda leader may have only months to live. But ... www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1819280,00.html - 37k -

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0% Related searchesCIA Hunt Bin Laden

0% ladencia var tc_off = false; var rsi_off = false; var

Bush Blocked Bin Laden Probes
0% news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/cta/progs/newsnight/attack22.ram - [

Welcome to the CIA Web Site Central Intelligence Agency
0% CIA Home CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (flash movie). To view the Flash Movie ... www.cia.gov - 32k - indexed: 7 hours ago - modified: 4 days ago -

0% CIA MAKES FRIENDS WITH AFGHAN WARLORDS WITH MALE ENHANCEMENT DRUG, VIAGRA. ... http:// www.rumormillnews.net/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read= "THE OBERGON ... www.rumormillnews.com - 69k - indexed: 10 hours ago - published: Sep 19 2000 -

C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden - New Yor...
0% Jul 4, 2006 ... Intelligence officials said the move reflects a view that Al Qaeda is no longer as hierarchical as it once was. www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/04intel.html -

0% var tc_off = false; var rsi_off = false; var tc_Saf=(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')!=-1); var tc_Tac = 1; var rsi; var rsiOnLoad; var timeNow = 1230527592562; var randomTag = -1244452118 var trck_OnLoadSave = window.onload; window.onload = trck_OnLoad; More Sponsored Links For: