Forged Niger Uranium Documents
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 Forged Niger Uranium Documents
Read about any subject in the free online encyclopedia and dictionary. Over 600,000 articles on any topic and completely free access to the entire content.   (Enhance)
... general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in Vienna, told the UN Security Council that the documents involving the Niger-Iraq uranium sale were fakes. ...   (Google)
(August 06, 2004 -- 12:31 PM EDT // link // print) It seems like anyone these days with a few bucks and a website can start a veterans for this or veterans for that organization.   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
...and State Department that the Niger documents were forgeries, and presumably the vice president learned these facts. The Niger uranium story...   (Teoma, HotBot)
... A team of 60 Minutes correspondents and consulting reporters spent more than six months investigating the Niger uranium documents fraud, CBS sources tell ...   (Google) the archive Find more about: Anything Publishing/Information ServicesMagazinesNew YorkDistrict of ColumbiaEnglandItalyNigerNewsweekForeign policyFederal executive branch, agency news...   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, Teoma, Google, BBCi)
The FBI is investigating the origin of forged documents indicating that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger, and one candidate for the forgeries is...   (Teoma, HotBot)
... 3pm update. Straw: uranium forgery source unknown. Matthew Tempest and agencies ... did not know who had forged the Niger uranium documents that led to coalition claims that Saddam ...,12956,998686,00.html   (BBCi, Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
... engaged by the French secret service to investigate genuine fears of illicit trafficking in uranium from Niger. He collected a dossier of documents - some real ...   (Google)
The White House admits that claims that Iraq tried to get uranium from Niger are wrong, undermining statements from George Bush and Tony Blair.   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
...the documents to the United States. Finally, AFP cites a Financial Times report that Britain received information about Iraq's Niger uranium...   (Teoma, HotBot, Google)   (HotBot, MSN, Lycos, BBCi)
... Is Niger the smoking gun ... Niger the smoking gun? Blair under fire as White House rejects British intelligence claiming Iraq tried to buy uranium ... to buy uranium from Africa ...   (BBCi, HotBot)
... Italian diplomats have claimed that, by disseminating bogus documents stating that Iraq was trying to buy low-grade "yellowcake" uranium from Niger, France was ...   (Google)
... apparent forgery of documents suggesting that Iraq attempted to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger is "at a ... last spring after U.N. officials pronounced the documents crude forgeries. ...   (HotBot, MSN, Lycos)
... after the Iraqi ambassador's trip to Niger, the Italian intelligence service came into possession of forged documents claiming Saddam was after Niger uranium. ...   (Google) the bundle of Niger-uranium documents that arrived at the US Embassy in Rome were actually authentic. It was only a subset of the documents...   (Teoma)
... 17 July 2004 - How CIA fumbled on Niger Uranium (IHT) ... 20 July 2003 - Italian journalist had dismissed Niger uranium documents as forgeries even before they reached the CIA ...   (BBCi, Google)
Thursday 23 September 2004 ... Why haven't we found out yet who was behind the forged Niger-uranium documents caper?   (Teoma, Google)
Intelligence documents that U.S. and British governments said were strong evidence that Iraq was developing nuclear weapons have been dismissed as forgeries by U.N. weapons inspectors. ... The finding that documents on an Iraqi uranium deal were most ... one of the documents was a letter discussing the uranium deal supposedly signed by Niger President Tandja Mamadou ...   (HotBot, MSN, Lycos)
... of attempted uranium smuggling by Iraq and said that the documents used to substantitate the British claim ... the state of Niger as the source of the uranium and passed their ...,2763,910113,00.html   (BBCi)
... They are reportedly portions of forged documents on supply of uranium materials by Niger to Iraq and were allegedly provided by Italian intelligence, SISMI, to ...   (Google)
Italian journalist claims she supplied Iraq-Niger uranium documents to US. Saturday, 19-Jul-2003 1:20PM PDT...   (Teoma, Google, HotBot)
... Most of the public equated uranium with nuclear weapons. The failed and stupid part of the deception was associating it with forged Niger documents. ...   (Google, HotBot)
November 14, 2004 | home WHO LIED TO WHOM? by SEYMOUR M. HERSH Why did the Administration endorse a forgery about Iraq's nuclear program? Issue of 2003-03-31 Posted 2003-03-24   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
...after the election an investigative segment that questioned the Bush administration's use of forged Niger uranium documents in making its case...   (Teoma)
THE FBI is investigating the documents that claimed to show Iraq was intent on buying uranium from Niger. Officials are working on the basis that the documents "tainted" other, reliable intelligence on Iraq's weapons programmes, according to a ...   (BBCi)
Niger Niger-Iraq uranium connection "a fake" Related items   (Lycos, HotBot) of what went wrong in the Niger case, which became a big political issue last year after documents that described the uranium deal were...   (Teoma, Google)
... preliminary inquiry into forged documents alleging Iraq wanted to buy uranium from Niger in an effort to find out who forged the documents and why, and whether anyone tried ...   (HotBot, MSN, Lycos)
The Iraq/Niger uranium forgery. The Iraq/Niger uranium forgery. The Iraq/Niger uranium forgery. ... One bore the signature of Niger's foreign minister - except that the man in question hadn't held that job for 11 years. ... to buy uranium from Niger was based on bogus documents and should never ...   (BBCi, Google)
July 22, 2004. JOSH MARSHALL. Not much on the Niger-uranium claims has changed ... public in 2003, the reports were compared to the documents.   (Teoma)
... The Niger uranium industry is completely controlled by a French consortium, and all its production ... a diplomat from Niger wouldn't have produced documents with such obvious mistakes ...   (HotBot, MSN, Google)
... The dossier said: "Uranium has been sought from Africa that has no civil nuclear application in Iraq ... Given the fact that the Niger documents were certainly at that time known ...,12956,986832,00.html   (BBCi)
... Iraqis discussed commercial ties with Niger officials and ... active nuclear program that the uranium would have ... 2003, the reports were compared to the documents. ...   (Google)
... NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN. Forged Niger Documents. 18 July 2003 ... portions of forged documents on supply of uranium materials by Niger to Iraq and were ...   (HotBot, MSN)
The FBI is investigating the origin of forged documents indicating that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger, and one candidate for the forgeries is an Iraqi ...   (Google)
July 18, 2004. Other Sources. Or, the tale of the Algerian businessman, the Somali businessman, the West African businessman, and the [redacted] businessman, and those stubborn forged Niger uranium...   (HotBot, MSN, Google)
... has just obtained the controversial documents regarding the shipment of uranium to Iraq from Niger - This is probably a good time to post ...   (Google)
Watching Those Whom Lenin Called "Useful Fools" My Tip Jar. July 13, 2003. Niger Uranium - Why the Forgeries ... During the lead-up to the Iraq war, documents surfaced which purported to show an attempt by Saddam to buy Niger uranium. These documents turned out to be ...   (HotBot, MSN, Google)
Daily news from the UK, business news, countryside news, UK technology news, obituaries and UK education news -, UK online newspaper. ... CIA man denies Niger-Iraq uranium link. By David Rennie in Washington ... investigations in Washington after key documents appearing to originate from Niger were found to be crude ...   (BBCi)
Evidence of Niger uranium trade 'years before war': Embarrassment over fake documents obscured earlier intelligence that Iraq may have been trying to buy uranium, says Mark Huband. By MARK HUBAND ......   (HotBot, MSN)
IN THIS SECTION: Niger and Iraq: the war's biggest lie? ... the Iraqi ambassador's trip to Niger, the Italian intelligence service came ... of forged documents claiming Saddam was after Niger uranium. We now know these documents were passed to ...   (BBCi)
... main export. It was then that Mr Martino first became aware of the value of documents relating to Niger's uranium exports. He was ...   (Google)
... ignores efforts to procure uranium from Niger." A month later, in ... Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger in late 2001" when "the existence of the documents was reported to ...   (HotBot, MSN)
... about Iraqi efforts to secure uranium from Niger were based on forged documents. The White House has ... expressed their doubts about the uranium claim within the Bush administra tion ...,2763,996814,00.html   (BBCi)
... of who outed Valerie Plame, a grand jury has also been investigating the separate (but related) matter of who forged the Niger uranium documents and how they ...   (Google)
Comprehensive archive of Foreign & Commonwealth Office press releases. ... UK GOVERNMENT NOT AWARE OF FORGED DOCUMENTS ON NIGER URANIUM PRIOR TO RELEASE OF IRAQ DOSSIER ... any forged documents passed to the IAEA about Niger uranium did not pass through ...   (BBCi)
... Burba's source affirmed that he had received the documents from someone within the Niger embassy while he was investigating a presumed China-Niger uranium sale ...   (Google)
ACA Events. Press Room. Interviews. Links. Register for Arms Control Association e-mail updates. What's New. Iraq-Niger Uranium Chronology ... 2002: The State Department acquires documents about the...   (HotBot)
Daily news from the UK, business news, countryside news, UK technology news, obituaries and UK education news -, UK online newspaper. ... disseminating bogus documents stating that Iraq was trying to buy low-grade "yellowcake" uranium from Niger, France was ...   (BBCi)
... comprehensive review of what went wrong in the Niger case, which became a major political issue last year after documents that described the uranium deal were ...   (Google)
Epidemic. I am hearing that GB still stands by their report. That only one source has been discredited. Hmmmmm, Regarding this President George W Bush did not lie even if all the sources turn out false. ... It wasn't just the forged documents; it was based on Wilson's knowledge of the ... exceedingly difficult for Niger to transfer uranium to Iraq. Niger's uranium business consists ...   (HotBot)
... UK GOVERNMENT NOT AWARE OF FORGED DOCUMENTS ON NIGER URANIUM PRIOR TO RELEASE OF IRAQ DOSSIER ... any forged documents passed to the IAEA about Niger uranium did not pass through ...   (BBCi)
... the Sunday Times of London reports that the Italian middle-man who provided the notorious Niger uranium documents to Italian journalist Elizabetta Burba (she. ...   (Google)
Tools. Save story. The Observer. Recent articles. The Guardian. Butler inquiry targets Niger uranium claim. Antony Barnett, public affairs editor. Sunday June 27, 2004. The Observer ... amounts of uranium from Niger did not come from these so-called forged documents; they came from ...   (BBCi)
... to Overview. 09/06/2004 06:19 AM ID: 42686. Italy Says France was Behind Forged Niger/Iraq Uranium Documents. According to Italian ... Says France was Behind Forged Niger/Iraq Uranium Documents/start.cfm   (Google)
Article15 July 2003. Iraq and the uranium: a fake debate. In the latest clash over the evidence, both sides are passing the buck. ... The documents purporting to show that Iraqis had approached Niger for uranium were exposed as forgeries on 7 ... have done the trick: 'Niger-Iraq uranium connection "a fake".' (7) ...   (BBCi)
" give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" June 28, 2004. Niger - Uranium Story Pans Out. Until now, the only evidence of Iraq's alleged attempts to buy uranium from Niger had turned out to...   (HotBot, Google)
... for the story about Saddam's alleged attempt to buy uranium yellowcake from Niger, about the only thing that is known for a fact is that the documents it was ...   (Google)
... Illicit sales of uranium from Niger were being negotiated with five ... to buy uranium from Niger had turned out to be a forgery. In October 2002, documents were handed to ...   (HotBot)
... Keep in mind that some of the documents that make up the "Niger uranium documents" were not fakes at all, and were essentially copies of telexes planning the ...   (Google, HotBot)
... they planned to steal headed notepaper and official stamps that would allow the forging of documents for the illicit sale of uranium from Niger's vast mines. ...   (Google)
July 14, 2004. SENATE REPORT. How Niger Uranium Story Defied Wide Skepticism. By JAMES RISEN ... seeking to buy uranium from Niger to build nuclear bombs ... in the Niger case, which became a major...   (HotBot)
... 24 AM EDT // link // print) Today, the Sunday Times of London reports that the Italian middle-man who provided the notorious Niger uranium documents to Italian ...   (Google)
Italy denies originating Iraq-Niger uranium claims. Sunday, 13-Jul-2003 3:10PM PDT. Story from AFP. Copyright 2003 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet) ... United States and Britain documents indicating that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger for a nuclear weapons programme ...   (HotBot)
... The FT continues: It was then that Mr Martino first became aware of the value of documents relating to Niger s uranium exports. ...   (Google)
Zip Code: We Need Your Support. Both physicians, Howard Dean and his wife, Dr. Judith Steinberg Dean, share a commitment to ensuring access to affordable healthcare for all Americans. Search. Uranium...   (HotBot)
... highly dubious."). The primary evidence for the Niger uranium claim was a series of documents purporting to show a uranium purchase deal with Iraq. ...   (Google)
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN. The Niger Timebomb. We have spoken to the Iraqi diplomat Britain accuses of trying to buy uranium for Saddam. ... proof that documents purporting to show an Iraqi uranium...   (HotBot)
... JOSH MARSHALL. FBI could talk to source of forged Niger papers. I did Why havent we found out yet who was behind the forged Niger-uranium documents caper? ...   (Google)
By Bill Gertz. THE WASHINGTON TIMES. The FBI is investigating the origin of forged documents indicating that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger, and one candidate for the forgeries is an Iraqi opposition group, U.S. officials said. ... that it doubted the attempted Niger uranium purchases. "There was no ...   (HotBot) has just obtained the controversial documents regarding the shipment of uranium to Iraq from Niger - This is probably a good time to post ...   (Google)
... reporters spent more than six months investigating the Niger uranium documents fraud, CBS sources tell NEWSWEEK ... who first obtained the phony documents, as well as her elusive source ...   (HotBot)
... that the Iraqi government had gone back to try to purchase further amounts of uranium from Niger did not come from these so-called forged documents; they came ...   (Google)
Posted on 06/28/2004 1:11:46 AM PDT by Matchett-PI ... to buy uranium from Niger had turned out to be a forgery. In October 2002, documents were handed to ...   (HotBot)   (Google)
September 2003. Uranium Controversy Raises Niger's Profile. by Sean O'Driscoll. Never in the past 50 years has Niger been in the news so frequently. ... Diatta, the controversy over forged documents...   (HotBot)
... Marshall explains (Aug 1) : Today, the Sunday Times of London reports that the Italian middle-man who provided the notorious Niger uranium documents to Italian ...   (Google)
... Points Memo, 8/1/2004 "Today, the Sunday Times of London reports that the Italian middle-man who provided the notorious Niger uranium documents to Italian ...   (Google)
CIA Warned White House Last Oct. That. Iraq/Uranium Claims Based On Forged Documents. by Jason Leopold. Dissident Voice. July 15, 2003 ... attempts to purchase uranium from Niger because the agency...   (HotBot)
... Ottawa Secret documents detailing attempts by Iraq to buy uranium for nuclear warheads from Niger are forgeries, the UN's nuclear watchdog agency says. ...   (Google, HotBot)
Travel Document Systems; Passport and Visa Services. This is the site for the latest Travel Information and the most complete collection of on-line Visa Applications on the web. ... Niger Africa. ECONOMY. One of the poorest countries in ... of the world's largest uranium deposits. Drought cycles, desertification ... in world demand for uranium have undercut an already ...   (HotBot)
... Forged Niger Documents. 18 July 2003 ... They are reportedly portions of forged documents on supply of uranium materials by Niger to Iraq and ...   (HotBot)
... by claims that Iraq sought uranium in Africa, again pursued Bush ... from forged documents alleging that the former Baghdad regime had sought uranium yellowcake from Niger, and from ...   (HotBot)
... diplomats say that France was behind forged documents which at first appeared to prove that Iraq was seeking "yellow-cake" uranium in Niger - evidence used by ...   (Google)
... difficult for Niger to transfer uranium to Iraq. Niger's uranium business consists ... wanted to remove uranium from a mine, it ... governmental entities, selling uranium would require the ......   (HotBot)
... said Iraq had sought closer economic ties with Niger but had not discussed a uranium sale. The original intelligence reports were based on documents that were ...   (Google)
Return to: Blogs. New Niger Nuclear News. June 28, 2004. By the time you read this post you'll likely already know that today's Financial Times makes stunning new claims about alleged sales of uranium from Niger to Iraq. ... much more information than the forged 'Niger-uranium' documents backing up the claim that Iraq (and other countries) sought to clandestinely purchase 'yellowcake' uranium from Niger. ...   (HotBot)
... alleged attempts to purchase uranium from Niger because the agency concluded that the ... committee that the documents about Iraq's attempt to procure uranium from Niger wound up in ...   (HotBot)
... Energy Authority (IAEA) in March because it was based on fake documents purporting to show that Iraq tried to buy substantial quantities of uranium from Niger. ...   (Google)
... that didn't run A team of "60 Minutes" correspondents and consulting reporters spent more than six months investigating the Niger uranium documents fraud, CBS ...   (Google)
... since learning that the Iraq-Niger uranium deal was based on false documents earlier this spring, we no ... writ large had concluded the Niger/uranium story was false because the ...;action=display;threadid=20326;start=new;boardseen=1   (HotBot)
... the "independent" source that British intelligence maintains it had, apart from the forged documents, for the story of Iraq attempts to purchase Niger uranium. ...   (Google)
... buy "hundreds of tons" of uranium ore from Niger. He produced supporting documents. On the surface, the claim ... on their list was the Niger uranium claim. No one still knows ...   (HotBot)
... he was referring to, which said, "The secret meetings were first held in Rome in December 2001." Guess what city the forged Niger uranium documents turned up in ...   (Google)
Monday, June 28, 2004. Niger Uranium, Take Two Two Takes. Bizarre: Two Financial Times articles with the same byline, on the same subject, and with the same timestamps are rather different. ... to...   (HotBot)
... To their astonishment, the documents were taken at face ... W. Bush later mentioned the uranium issue in ... the War in Iraq).] Habibou, Allele (?- ) Niger-born public ...   (Google)
... that the uranium story -- which centered on documents alleging Iraqi efforts to buy the material from Niger -- was based ... really wanted to put the Niger uranium story in the speech ...   (HotBot)
... The FT continues: It was then that Mr Martino first became aware of the value of documents relating to Niger's uranium exports. ...   (Google)