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Gary Webb Murdered?

CIA Drug Trafficking and remembering Gary Webb

Investigative reporter Gary Web uncovered massive CIA drug-running.

Check out this new story by Robert Parry reflecting on journalist Garry Webb's suicide, after being totally blacklisted by the mainstream media because he had the guts to speak the truth about the CIA and other parts of the US government that helped the Contras and their allies import cocaine into the US, during the period that President Reagan was talking about "fighting drugs" and locking up all those drug users in a cage, beefing up the police state and the prison industrial complex.

News - Reporter's suicide confirmed by coroner - sacbee.com
... public, the Sacramento County Coroner's Office issued a statement Tuesday confirming that former investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide with two ...
sacbee.com/content/news/story/11772749p-12657577c.html   (Google, Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
CIA Drug Running Investigative reporter Gary Webb Suicide Looking
If Gary Webb committed suicide with 2 shots to the head via a .38 caliber pistol, then Ive got a nice condo to sell you in Fallujah!
bellaciao.org/en/article_txt.php3?id_article=4845   (Teoma)
Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered
... UPDATE: Coroner: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide. ... Ricky Ross, one of Gary Webb's primary sources had spoken to Gary in the days before his death. ...
www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/141204webbmurdered.htm   (Google, MSN, HotBot)
Events since Sept 11, 2001 have shown that FTW has been ahead of the curve in predicting the current crisis. We offer our readers an accurate map of how the world works, unfiltered by preconception.
www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/121304_gary_webb.shtml   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi, Google, Teoma)
Gary Webb dead, suicide claimed -- ? : SF Bay Area Indymedia
Gary Webb dead, suicide claimed -- ? by Sam Stanton and Sandy Louey -- Bee Staff Writ Monday, Dec. 13, 2004 at 10:13 PM...
www.indybay.org/news/2004/12/1709613.php   (Teoma)
BELLACIAO - CIA Drug Running Investigative reporter Gary Webb ...
... Tuesday 21st December 2004 (18h51) : CIA Drug Running Investigative reporter Gary Webb Suicide Looking more like Murder 2 comment(s). ...
bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=4845   (Google, BBCi, HotBot)
mousemusings: Gary Webb "Suicide"
Personal Website of Cyndy Roy
www.mousemusings.com/weblogs/2004/12/gary-webb-suicide.html   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi, Google)
Dispelling the Rumors: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed As Suicide : SF
Dispelling the Rumors: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed As Suicide ... by Michael C. Ruppert (repost) Monday, Dec. 20, 2004 at 1:14 PM...
www.indybay.org/news/2004/12/1710655.php   (Teoma)
Democracy Now! | Investigative Reporter Gary Webb Who Linked CIA ...
... ROBERT PARRY: Hi, Amy. AMY GOODMAN: I heard it from you this weekend that Gary Webb had died of an apparent suicide. Can you talk about Gary? ...
www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/12/13/1457240   (Google, Teoma, HotBot)
Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder
Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder By Charlene Fassa 12-19-4 'Move-On - Nothing To See Here' How convincing is this statement: Coroner Robert Lyons said his office had been swamped with calls....
www.rense.com/general60/move.htm   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi, Google)
News - Obituary: Gary Webb, prize-winning investigative reporter - sacbee.com
News, 24-hour local, state, national and world news, plus politics, sports, business, lifestyle and entertainment coverage, columnists, humor, classified ads and much more ... Gary Webb, a prize-winning investigative journalist whose star-crossed career was capped with a controversial ...
www.sacbee.com/content/news/story/11744167p-12630255c.html   (MSN, Lycos, HotBot, BBCi)
Jean-Pierre Cloutier : Le blogue
... Suicide de Gary Webb. Le journaliste Gary Webb a été retrouvé sans vie à son domicile ...
cyberie.qc.ca/jpc/2004/12/suicide-de-gary-webb-le-journaliste.html   (BBCi, HotBot, Google)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: AP - US Headlines
... Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who ... Webb was found Friday morning at his home in Sacramento County, dead of an apparent suicide. ...
seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apus_story.asp?category=1110&slug=Obit Webb   (Google)
Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide
Editor & Publisher provides extensive coverage of the newspaper industry, including business, newsroom, advertising, circulation, marketing, technology, online, and syndicates.
www.mediainfo.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000737253   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi, Google)
portland imc - 2004.12.21 - Investigator Michael Ruppert claiming to
Ruppert Concerning Gary Webb's Death | Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder ] AUDIO: Gary Webb in Eugene, January 6, 1999 -- Webb...
portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/12/306637.shtml   (Teoma, Google)
... Gary WebbâÂÂReported CIA CorruptionâÂÂNow Dead From Suicide? democracynow.org/article. Investigative Reporter Gary Webb Who Linked CIA to Crack Sales Found Dead of Apparent Suicide ...
www.solutionassoc.com/TruthFire/blog   (BBCi, HotBot)
"Mystery 'Fireballs' A Trail-Object Connection?"
Rense.com Journalist Gary Webb 'Suicide' - Exposed CIA Drug Running From Brasscheck ken@brasscheck.com 12-13-4. "Mr. Webb's friends ...
www.rense.com/general60/WEBB.HTM   (Google)
Invesitgative reporter Gary Webb an "apparent suicide" : SF
TITLE AUTHOR DATE. Dispelling the Rumors: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed As Suicide linker Monday, Dec. 20, 2004 at 1:37 PM...
www.sf.indymedia.org/news/2004/12/1707424.php   (Teoma)
INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER GARY WEBB - 1955 - 2004 RIP (mparent7777.blog-city.com)
... victim was 49-year-old investigative reporter Gary Webb. The Sacramento Coroner's Office and ... officially determined to be "suicide". Gary Webb had a conversation with Constitutional ...
mparent7777.blog-city.com/read/960242.htm   (BBCi)
Conspiracy Planet - CIA Drug Trafficking - Gary Webb Dead: Suicide?...
CONSPIRACY PLANET THE ALTERNATIVE NEWS & HISTORY NETWORK Your Antidote to Media Cartel Propaganda Tuesday, December 28, 2004 Home | CIA Drug Trafficking Channel Channels News Links Forum Gary Webb...
www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=35&contentid=1709   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
portland imc - 2004.12.15 - Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide
Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide ... author: E&P Staff
portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/12/306204.shtml   (Teoma, Google)
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Gary Webb RIP
... Even Webbs marriage broke up. On Friday, Dec. 10, Gary Webb, 49, died of an apparent suicide, a gunshot wound to the head. Whatever ...
www.alternet.org/mediaculture/20742/   (Google, HotBot)
Gary Webb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Contents Early life Gary Webb was born to a military family in Corona, California. At the age of 15, Webb began writing editorials for his high school newspaper...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb   (Lycos, HotBot, Google, BBCi, MSN)
Coroner: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide
Sign up at Prison Planet.tv - CLICK HERE. Coroner: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide. Editor and Publisher | December 15 2004...
www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/151204deathconfirmed.htm   (Teoma)
ZNet |Mainstream Media | R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter
Recent Mainstream Media. Naked Empire. PU Prizes. Media Disremorse ... Gary Webb, a courageous investigative journalist who was the target of one of the most ferocious media attacks ... in recent history, was found dead Friday after an apparent suicide. ...
www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=21&ItemID=6863   (MSN, HotBot, BBCi)
Was Gary Webb 'Suicided' To Kill New Book?
Was Gary Webb 'Suicided' To Kill New Book? By Charlene Fassa 12-27-4
www.rense.com/general61/assi.htm   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
ZNet |Mainstream Media | RIP Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter
... Gary Webb, a courageous investigative journalist who was the target of one of the ... reporter in recent history, was found dead Friday after an apparent suicide. ...
www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=21&ItemID=6863   (Google)
The NarcoSphere || Gary Webb: Do What He Did
Gary Webb: Do What He Did By Al Giordano, Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2004 at 06:47:24 PM EST LACANDON JUNGLE, CHIAPAS, MEXICO, DECEMBER 15, 2004: I keep imagining the last moments of Gary's life. He is...
narcosphere.narconews.com/story/2004/12/15/184725/08   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi, Google)
Was Gary Webb 'Suicided' To Kill New Book?
... Was Gary Webb 'Suicided' To Kill New Book ... his take on Webb's alleged suicide. According to Conroy, Webb had confided that: "he Gary would trust Chuck Bowden with ...
www.infowars.com/articles/us/webb_suicided_to_kill_book.htm   (HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
Daily Kos :: CIA critic Gary Webb's suicide: Troubling!
CIA critic Gary Webb's suicide: Troubling! ... CIA critic Gary Webb's suicide: Troubling! | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden). ...
www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/13/121658/62   (Google)
:: Libertythink :: Encouraging Cognitive Liberty in an Age of ...
... Gary Webb: Suicide, or suicided? Seattle Post-Intelligencer Dec 12, 2004: Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter ...
www.libertythink.com/2004/12/gary-webb-suicide-or-suicided.html   (Google)
Spontaneous Arising: Gary Webb, R.I.P.
An attempt to connect -- especially with other members of the reality-based community. Monday, December 13, 2004. Gary Webb, R.I.P. SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- ... SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a controversial ... Danny Casalaro, and now Gary Webball "suicide" victims. What are the ...
adreampuppet.blogspot.com/2004/12/gary-webb-rip.html   (HotBot, MSN)
GARY WEBB, 49, wrote about CIA and Crack, Found Dead : SF Bay Area ...
... 12, 2004 at 5:35 PM. Four Bush biographers, Mark Lombardi, JH Hatfield, Danny Casalaro, and now Gary Webb--all "suicide" victims. ...
www.indybay.org/news/2004/12/1709370_comment.php   (Google, HotBot)
... In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation of a ... 10, Gary Webb, 49, died of an apparent suicide, a gunshot wound ...
www.consortiumnews.com/2004/121304.html   (HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
portland imc - 2004.12.20 - Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder
UPCOMING EVENTS. ONGOING FEATURES. genres. regions. topic pages. actions. resources. global imc. network: Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder ... that something is rotten in Sacramento. If Gary...
portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/12/306590.shtml   (HotBot, BBCi)
Ruppert: Gary Webb's Death A Suicide
by Ted Kahl on 12/22/2004 12:30am. - revised 12/22/2004 11:10pm. Gary Webb fired two shots from a .38 caliber revolver into his own head. The entrance wounds for both shots were at or near the right ear. ... a suicide. If there was even a whiff of foul play, I'm sure that he would be pressing for answers. Gary Webb ... the first shot Webb had the gun ...
blog.democrats.com/node/2089/print   (BBCi, HotBot)
Press Action ::: Who Killed Gary Webb?
... of a guy who, unlike him, did not sell out, which had to be some factor in his horrible suicide? David Corn and the Democratic establishment killed Gary Webb. ...
www.pressaction.com/news/weblog/full_article/cummings12142004/   (Google)
R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter
Featured Views. Published on Monday, December 13, 2004 by CommonDreams.org. R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter. by Jeff Cohen ... Gary Webb, a courageous investigative journalist who was the target of one of the most ferocious media ... reporter in recent history, was found dead Friday after an apparent suicide ...
www.commondreams.org/views04/1213-31.htm   (HotBot)
BELLACIAO - Was Gary Webb 'Suicided' To Kill New Book? - Bellaciao collective
... to be factored into the Gary Webb death equation, including information that he ... on Webb's alleged suicide. According to Conroy, Webb had confided that: "he Gary would trust Chuck ...
bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=4897   (BBCi, HotBot, Google)
LA Weekly: Columns: Dissonance: Gary Webb, RIP
... First the LA Times helped kill off Gary Webbs career. Then, eight years later, after Webb committed suicide this past weekend, the Times decided to give his ...
www.laweekly.com/ink/05/04/dissonance-cooper.php   (Google)
Gary Webb, Word Warrior -- In These Times
... saga of investigative journalist Gary Webb, who had uncovered a story ... other than suicide citing some conspiracy should be halted. I was honored to work with Gary Webb at the ...
www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/1774   (HotBot, Google)
RIP Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter || kuro5hin.org
... It is likely that Gary Webb committed suicide. ... The life, work and suicide of Gary Webb (none / 1) (#136) by vinsci on Mon Dec 20th, 2004 at 07:53:18 PM EST. ...
www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/12/14/3719/5652   (Google)
News&features - December 13, 2004
... In Memory. Gary Webb. Table of Contents ...
www.newsreview.com/issues/sacto/2004-12-13/feature.asp   (HotBot, Google)
... The fact of Gary Webb's suicide is open and shut. TRIBUTES. Garys son Eric reading a letter from Congresswoman Maxine Waters. FBI Agent Lok Lau. ...
www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/122004_goodbye_giant.shtml   (Google, HotBot)
Only In Arkansas: Webb 'Double Gunshot Wounds' Explanation Defies ...
... suicide? Do the coroner and the police who made this assertion for the death of Gary Webb think we were born yesterday? Even if ...
www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/181204defiesbelief.htm   (Google)
Ruppert: Gary Webb's Death A Suicide | Democrats.com Blog
... Ruppert: Gary Webb's Death A Suicide. ...
blog.democrats.com/node/2089   (Google)
MercuryNews.com | 12/16/2004 | Hard questions come in wake of ...
... particularly if the person committing suicide distinguished himself doing what we do. Even more so if there's history. That was the case with Gary Webb, the ex ...
www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/10429643.htm   (Google)
INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER GARY WEBB. 1955 - 2004 RIP. by Virginia McCullough ... victim was 49-year-old investigative reporter Gary Webb. The Sacramento Coroner's Office and ... officially determined to...
www.newsmakingnews.com/vm,garywebb,12,14,04.htm   (HotBot)
marccooper: L.A. Times Kicks Gary Webb's Corpse
... Latest Articles. Gary Webb R.I.P. With No Thanks to the L ... helped kill off Gary Webb's career. Then, eight years later, after Webb committed suicide this past weekend ...
marccooper.typepad.com/marccooper/2004/12/la_times_kicks_.html   (HotBot)
Family, Friends and Colleagues Mourn Webb's Death : SF Bay Area ...
... Alameda Unincorporated Areas MM Dispensary Update ASA D21 9:07PM. Dispelling the Rumors: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed As Suicide Michael C. Ruppert (repost) D20 ...
www.indybay.org/archives/archive_by_id.php?id=2731&category_id=27   (Google)
Conspiracy Planet - CIA Drug Trafficking - Gary Webb Dead: Suicide ...
... Gary Webb Dead: Suicide? Conspiracy? You Guess. by BRASSCHECK.COM. Uh oh, another "suicide". ... by PROREV.COM Gary Webb Dead: Suicide? Conspiracy? You Guess. ...
www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=35&contentid=1709   (Google)
L.A. Observed: Reaction on Gary Webb * Archives
Los Angeles media. and sense of place. RECENT POSTS. Reaction on Gary Webb * The LA Weekly's Marc Cooper was quite disturbed by the Times coverage of the death of Gary Webb, the Sacramento reporter...
www.laobserved.com/archive/002862.html   (HotBot)
Blog of Death: Gary Webb
December 21, 2004. Gary Webb. Gary Webb, an award-winning investigative journalist, committed suicide on Dec. 10. He was 49. Born in Corona, Calif.
www.blogofdeath.com/archives/001259.html   (HotBot)
Guerrilla News Network
... Theres been a lot of wild speculation about Gary Webbs suicide, particularly by Alex Jones, editor of Prison Planet (see Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary ...
gnn.tv/users/user.php?bid=2703&r=4   (Google)
portland imc - 2004.12.21 - feedback from Sacramento on Gary Webb
portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/12/306658.shtml   (HotBot)
Blogs of War » Gary Webbs Suicide
:: Blogs of War. Sunday, December 12th, 2004. Gary Webbs Suicide. Home | John Little at 12:04 pm | E-Mail Story Gary Webb, a prize ...
www.blogsofwar.com/archives/2004/12/12/gary-webbs-suicide/   (Google)
In Memoriam: Gary Webb
... In Memoriam: Gary Webb. Gary Webb, Pulitzer Prize winner, died last week in what was pretty clearly a suicide. Even ... job at AP. When Gary was absurdly abused by a ...
ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/webb.html   (HotBot, Google)
Gary Webb Died of Two Gunshot Wounds to the Head | Democrats.com ...
... From Editor and Publisher: The death of investigative reporter Gary Webb has been confirmed as a suicide, according to a coroner's statement. ...
blog.democrats.com/node/2005   (Google)
marccooper: Suicide Why?
"Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable" Back To Home Page. Latest Articles. Recent Posts. Friends and Favorites. Sunday, December 19, 2004. Suicide Why? ... Latest Articles. Gary Webb R.I.P. With No Thanks to the L.A ... After Gary Webb's suicide of which I've written much the past week reminds us that the ...
marccooper.typepad.com/marccooper/2004/12/suicide_why.html   (HotBot)
Gary Webb was the real deal
... December 17, 2004News of journalist Gary Webb's deathreportedly from two self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the headbroke over the wires last Sunday. ...
www.onlinejournal.com/Media/121704Conroy/121704conroy.html   (Google)
Media Mayhem
... does a coroner rule a death a suicide without further investigation, when the deceased received ... that former investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide with two gunshots to ...
www.mediamayhem.blogspot.com   (HotBot)
Korean Job Discussion Forums :: View topic - Journalist Gary Webb ...
Journalist Gary Webb 'Suicide' (Exposed CIA Drug Running). ...
www.eslcafe.com/forums/korea/viewtopic.php?t=31166   (Google)
Daily Kos :: Investigative Reporter Gary Webb is dead
... "Four Bush biographers, Mark Lombardi, JH Hatfield, Danny Casalaro, and now Gary Webb--all "suicide" victims. What are the odds ...
www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/12/22151/411   (Google)
Gary Webb, of Controversial CIA/Crack Series, Dead in Apparent...
Editor & Publisher provides extensive coverage of the newspaper industry, including business, newsroom, advertising, circulation, marketing, technology, online, and syndicates. ... SACRAMENTO, Calif....
www.mediainfo.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000735932   (HotBot)
Richard Thieme: My Last Talk with Gary Webb
... The San Jose Mercury News reports that "Gary Webb, a former Mercury News ... a firestorm with his controversial stories, died Friday in an apparent suicide in his ...
www.counterpunch.org/thieme12142004.html   (Google)
MercuryNews.com | 12/12/2004 | Gary Webb, 49, former MN reporter ...
... Gary Webb, a former Mercury News investigative reporter, author and legislative staffer ... his controversial stories, died Friday in an apparent suicide in his ...
www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/10399522.htm?1c   (Google)
Guerrilla News Network
... Did Gary Webb really commit suicide? Since his death last Friday many have pointed to initial ... that former investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide with two gunshots to ...
www.gnn.tv/headlines/headline.php?id=482   (HotBot)
Gary Webb "Suicide": "Move Along - Nothing To See Here". ... Ricky Ross, one of Gary Webbs primary sources had spoken to Gary in the days before his death. ...
www.geocities.com/northstarzone/WEEK.html   (Google)
Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered
... Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered. Webb Spoke Of Death Threats, 'Government People' Around ... into and leaving his house before his apparent 'suicide' on Friday morning ...
www.infowars.com/articles/us/reporter_webb_murder_evidence.htm   (HotBot)
... www.newsreview.com/issues/sacto/2004-12- 13/feature.asp. Gary Webb: Do What He Did ... CIA Drug Trade 'Commits Suicide' Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning ...
omega.twoday.net/stories/442522   (HotBot)
zentronix: dubwise & hiphopcentric: RIP Gary Webb
... SACRAMENTO - Gary Webb, a prize-winning investigative reporter who ... Webb was found Friday morning in his home in ... Carmichael area, dead of an apparent suicide. ...
cantstopwontstop.blogspot.com/2004/12/rip-gary-webb.html   (Google)
the deskrat chronicles
... Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered. Webb Spoke Of Death Threats, 'Government ... of investigative reporter Gary Webb has been confirmed as a suicide, according to a ...
deskrat.blogspot.com   (HotBot)
Bill Conroy: "Gary Webb Drew Blood"
... Gary Webb was ruined. ... When I got Bowden on the phone this week in Tucson, where he lives, it was clear he was upset over Gary's death. ...
www.counterpunch.com/conroy12202004.html   (Google)
America 's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb : SF Indymedia
... In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation of a ... 10, Gary Webb, 49, died of an apparent suicide, a gunshot wound ...
sf.indymedia.org/news/2004/12/1707468.php   (HotBot)
The Truth Seeker - Gary Webb Drew Blood
... www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/141204assassinationofwebb.htm Gary Webb Death - New Math Of Bush Reporter 'Suicides' www.infowars.com/articles/us ...
www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=2598   (Google)
Critical Montages
... by the White Corporate Media. Gary Webb shot himself, twice in the head ... the mortgage ("Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide " December 15, 2004). Gary Webb, R.I.P. ...
montages.blogspot.com/2004/12/gary-webb-blacklisted-by-white.html   (HotBot)
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Kicking a Dead Man
... First the LA Times helped kill off reporter Gary Webb's career. Then, eight years later, after Webb committed suicide, it publishes a scandalous and shameful ...
www.alternet.org/mediaculture/20784/   (Google)
Lovearth.net - Popup News
... 1. Gary Webb, wrote controversial series on cocaine traffic ... Investigative Reporter Gary Webb. Who Linked CIA to Crack Sales. Found Dead of Apparent Suicide ...
www.lovearth.net/news.php?page=1   (HotBot)
marccooper: Gary Webb Remembered
... Indeed, while his physical suicide took place this week, Gary Webb's professional life was killed off by his colleagues in the MSM shortly after his ...
marccooper.typepad.com/marccooper/2004/12/gary_webb_remem.html   (Google)
Ruppert: Gary Webb's Death A Suicide | Democrats.com Blog
... Ruppert:
Gary Webb's Death A Suicide ... a suicide. If there was even a whiff of foul play, I'm sure that he would be stating otherwise. Gary Webb fired ...
blog.democrats.com/node/2089/trackback   (HotBot)
2004 Credit Suit
Wednesday, December 15, 2004. Gary Webb - suicide or murder? Of course Gary Webbs story was true. ... Gary Webb - suicide or murder? Recent comments. ...
creditsuit.org/credit.php/blog/gary_webb_suicide_or_murder/   (Google)
What Killed Gary Webb?
... suicide is always tragic," as one writer, Michael Manville, put it on his freezebox.com Web site. "There is no point in being subtle about this. Gary Webb ...
www.maynardije.org/columns/dickprince/041215_prince/   (Google, HotBot)
Metroactive News & Issues | Briefs
Briefs. Webb of Conspiracy. A memorial service for former San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb was held Saturday, Dec. 18. Webb, 49, was found dead on Dec. ... indeed a suicide. " These are facts...
www.metroactive.com/papers/sonoma/12.22.04/briefs-0452.html   (HotBot)
Assassination of US Investigative Journalist Gary Webb?
... Why not with Gary Webb ? Yesterday I wrote about Potential Witness Syndrome, one symptom of which is "suicide by multiple gun shot wounds to the head". ...
www.globalresearch.ca/articles/XYM412A.html   (Google)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: AP - U.S. Headlines
COMMENTARY. COFFEE BREAK. FIND IT! P-I ANYWHERE. OUR AFFILIATES. This article was not found or it has expired.
seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apus_story.asp?category=1110&slug=Obit+Webb   (HotBot)
UNDERNEWS: <em>Shop talk</em><br/>THE GARY WEBB CASE
... In the Gary Webb case, we have a number of weaker anomalies at this point, such as the oddity that, if a suicide, it occurred on the day before Webb had ...
prorev.com/2004/12/shop-talkthe-gary-webb-case.htm   (Google)
AlterNet: Election 2004: Gary Webb R.I.P.
... In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation of a ... 10, Gary Webb, 49, died of an apparent suicide, a gunshot wound ...
www.alternet.org/election04/20742   (HotBot)
(12/13/2004) Gary Webb's Legacy
Monitor archives: Gary Webb's Legacy. by Robert Parry. For his brave reporting at the San Jose Mercury News, Webb paid a high price. ALSO IN THE MONITOR ... In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation ... Friday, December 10, Gary Webb, 49, died of an apparent suicide, a gunshot wound ...
www.albionmonitor.com/0412a/garywebblegacy.html   (HotBot)
The Nexus
... "America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb " Parry blathers on and on about what a oh so brave ... Charles Rector @ 1:55pm. Gary Webb Committed Suicide Friday . ...
www.omgn.com/nexus   (HotBot)
Capital Games
... His death is a dark end to a dark story. For those of you who want more details on Webb, below I ... An excerpt from Gary Webb's 'Dark Alliance' Ignored by Dailies. ...
www.thenation.com/capitalgames/index.mhtml?bid=3&pid=2066   (Google)
Journalist Who Blew Whistle On CIA Drug Trade 'Commits Suicide'
... investigative journalism." Gary Webb joins Mark Lombardi, J.H. Hatfield, and Danny Casalaro as the fourth 'suicide' by a ... Bush crime family. Gary Webb, 49, Former MN Reporter, Author ...
www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/131204commitssuicide.htm   (HotBot)
Gary Webb, Journalist Linking CIA & Drugs, Found Dead
... He is suspected of having committed suicide. ... company found a note on Mr. Webb's front door ... original news source: www.latimes.com Gary Webb, an investigative ...
www.atsnn.com/story/104665.html   (Google)
The Agonist | thoughtful, global, timely
... explained that the Country owes a huge debt to Gary Webb. What he did was revive a story ... that former investigative reporter Gary Webb committed suicide with two [.38 cal ...
www.agonist.org/story/2004/12/15/113915/57   (HotBot)
Fatwallet Forums - Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was ...
... Now that Gary Webb joins Mark Lombardi, James H. Hatfield, and Danny Casolaro as the fourth 'suicide' by a researcher who had a detailed understanding of the ...
www.fatwallet.com/t/69/411140/   (Google)
CounterPunch: "America's Best Political Newsletter"
... Israel's Assassination Policy: the Trigger for Suicide Bombings? ... This business of Uncle Sam's true face brings me to Gary Webb and why they hated him ...
www.counterpunch.org   (HotBot)
Interactivist Info Exchange | CIA-Cocaine Dark Alliance Reporter ...
... CIA-Cocaine Dark Alliance Reporter Gary Webb, Apparent Suicide. ... On Friday, Dec. 10, Gary Webb, 49, died of an apparent suicide, a gunshot wound to the head. ...
info.interactivist.net/article.pl?sid=04/12/12/1735207   (Google)
King of Zembla
... Gary Webb, whose book Dark Alliance began as a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News, is an apparent suicide ... its reporter Gary Webb for taking the ...
simbaud.blogspot.com/2004/12/gary-webb-rip.html   (HotBot)
Latest News - Pioneering Investagative Journalist Gary Webb Found ...
... When we learned that investigative reporter Gary Webb had died from an apparent suicide last Friday, we considered writing an editorial praising his courageous ...
www.november.org/stayinfo/breaking2/GaryWebbTribute.html   (Google)
R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter
Published on Monday, December 13, 2004 by CommonDreams.org. R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter. by Jeff Cohen ... Gary Webb, a courageous investigative journalist who was the target of one of the most ferocious media ... reporter in recent history, was found dead Friday after an apparent suicide ...
www.commondreams.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi?file=/views04/1213-31.htm   (HotBot)