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 CIA & Torture
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
  CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests business . . .
The CIA's Secret Weapons System
  Exploding wine bottles, guns constructed out of pipes, bullets made of teeth, aspirin explosives: they sound like props from a second-rate spy story. Horrifyingly whether they are in the right hands now--judge for yourself.
Torture- As American As Apple Pie
  "The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect."
The Secret Wars of the CIA
  John Stockwell is a 13-year veteran of the CIA and a former U.S. Marine Corps major. He was hired by the CIA in 1964, spent six years working for the CIA in Africa, and was later transferred to Vietnam. In 1973 he received the CIA's Medal of Merit, the coordinator, managing covert activities during the first years of Angola's bloody civil
www.radio4all.org/crackcia/torture.htm   (Google, Lycos, Teoma, HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | CIA accused of torture at Bagram base
Search this site. Go to ... In this section. CIA accused of torture at Bagram base. Some captives handed to brutal foreign agencies. Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington. Friday December 27, 2002. The Guardian ... The Guardian. The CIA has used "stress and duress" techniques on al-Qaida suspects held at secret overseas detention ...
www.guardian.co.uk/alqaida/story/0,12469,865311,00.html   (BBCi)
Alfred W. McCoy: Cruel Science, the Long Shadow of CIA Torture ...
www.counterpunch.org/mccoy05292004.html   (Google)
CIA - The World Factbook -- Syria
Click to enlarge Legend: Definition Field Listing Rank Order Introduction Syria Background:
www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sy.html   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, BBCi)
MCF: KUBARK CIA Torture Manual
The Mind Control Forum - a library of readings against the mind control conpiracy: Archive of documents, CKLN-FM Series, MindNet, News and new...
www.mk.net/~mcf/kubark.htm   (Teoma, HotBot)
The Independent Newspaper ... Kabul â reviving concerns that the US is resorting to torture in its treatment of Taliban fighters and suspected al-Qa ...
news.independent.co.uk/world/politics/story.jsp?story=384604   (BBCi)
Prisoner Abuse: Patterns from the Past
www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB122/   (Google, Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
File 1290439 : Enemies of Jinx (CIA) From the "Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1983." Used to train Latin American security forces in the effective use of torture for information. THE...
www.jinxmagazine.com/cia_torture.html   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, Google)
MCF - Funk: CIA Torture Facilities
CIA Torture Facilities...
www.mk.net/~mcf/funkcia.htm   (Teoma)
Ananova - British businessman 'threatened with torture by CIA'
A British businessman arrested in Gambia on suspicion of links with Islamist terrorists claims he was threatened with torture and rape by CIA interrogators. ... British businessman 'threatened with torture by CIA' A British businessman arrested in Gambia on suspicion of ... claims he was threatened with torture and rape by CIA interrogators. ...
www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_825734.html?menu=news.latestheadlines   (BBCi)
The CIA's Secret Manual on Coercive Qestioning
www.kimsoft.com/2000/kubark.htm   (Google)
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN The Hidden History of CIA Torture America's Road to Abu Ghraib By Alfred W. McCoy
www.informationclearinghouse.info/article6887.htm   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
[UNOL]: CIA Torture on Videotape
CIA Torture on Videotape [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ UNOL Public Caucus Area ]
www.unol.org/messages/25560.shtml   (Teoma)
The Scotsman - International - CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture'
... CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture' GETHIN CHAMBERLAIN ... by the United States have been handed over to foreign intelligence agencies for torture, it was claimed yesterday ...
thescotsman.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1433692002   (BBCi)
Resist!ca || Torture & the CIA
resist.ca/story/2004/9/10/155258/685   (Google)
CNEWS World - Human Rights Watch calls on U.S. to investigate
Sat, December 28, 2002 ... Human Rights Watch calls on U.S. to investigate allegations of CIA torture...
cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/World/2002/12/28/8511-ap.html   (Teoma)
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | CIA accused of torture at Bagram base
Search this site. In this section. CIA accused of torture at Bagram base. Some captives handed to brutal foreign agencies. Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington. Friday December 27, 2002. The Guardian ... The Guardian. The CIA has used "stress and duress" techniques on al-Qaida suspects held at secret overseas detention ...
www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,865302,00.html   (BBCi)
Cruel Science -The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research
100777.com/doc/811   (Google)
TomDispatch - Tomgram: Alfred McCoy on the CIA's road to Abu Ghraib
Tomgram: Alfred McCoy on the CIA's road to Abu Ghraib Around the world -- and in the United States -- Abu Ghraib has become a byword for our disastrous war in Iraq.
www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?emx=x&pid=1795   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, Google)
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Briton held as terror suspect
Speaking publicly for the first time, Mr Rawi, 38, said: · CIA agents twice threatened him with torture if he did not cooperate;
www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1055628,00.html   (Teoma)
Khilafah.com - CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture'
News. CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture' AL-QAEDA suspects captured by the United States have been handed over to foreign intelligence agencies for torture, it was claimed yesterday.
www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=9512&TagID=2   (BBCi)
School of the Americas CIA Torture Manual
mediafilter.org/guest/Pages/September.21.1996.23.26.32   (Google, HotBot, MSN)
CIA torture WBlum
The CIA and Torture by William Blum The CIA may not have pushed the button or turned the switch, but ... 1. The Agency has encouraged its clients in the Third World to use torture. 2.
www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/CIATorture_WBlum.html   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, Google)
Kurt Nimmo: CIA Privatized Torture at Abu Ghraib
The CIA Privatized Torture. By KURT NIMMO. Damn video and digital cameras.
www.counterpunch.org/nimmo05042004.html   (Teoma)
ZNet |Foreign Policy | The Hidden History of CIA Torture:
www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=6199   (Google)
Torture was taught by CIA; Declassified manual details the methods...
Torture was taught by CIA; Declassified manual details the methods used in Honduras; Agency denials refuted
www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/40/055.html   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, Google)
¤¤¤ The CIA Privatized Torture :: news :: Politics news
The CIA Privatized Torture :: news :: Politics news. News of Business Education Entertainment Health Politics Science Sports Technology World...
kk.1st-news.com/en/04/149470.html   (Teoma)
The Scotsman - Top Stories - CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture'
... CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture' GETHIN CHAMBERLAIN ... by the United States have been handed over to foreign intelligence agencies for torture, it was claimed yesterday ...
thescotsman.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1433692002   (BBCi)
No to CIA Torture
Commentary No to Torture Washington Post Op-Ed by PHR's US Policy Director Holly Burkhalter Sunday, January 5, 2003; Page B07
www.phrusa.org/research/torture/washpost.html   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN, Google)
US Sought out ex-CIA for Torture 'interrogations' - 2001 -- A
Search. About. FAQ. Buy a Book and Support BuzzFlash. US Sought out ex-CIA for Torture 'interrogations' - 2001 ... A BUZZFLASH READER...
www.buzzflash.com/contributors/04/05/con04198.html   (Teoma)
Khilafah.com - British businessman 'threatened with torture by CIA'
News. British businessman 'threatened with torture by CIA' British businessman 'threatened with torture by CIA' Saturday 4th October 2003
www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=8389&TagID=2   (BBCi)
The Village Voice: Features: The Invisible Men by Kareem Fahim
Search within results | Language Tools | Search Tips | Dissatisfied? Help us improve
www.villagevoice.com/issues/0413/fahim.php   (Google)
ZNet |Foreign Policy | The Hidden History of CIA Torture:
Recent Foreign Policy Seven Theses Crisis of Empire Bush Crusade
www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=11&ItemID=6199   (Lycos, HotBot, MSN)
Brit Held As Suspect Says CIA Threatened Torture First Account Of US
Brit Held As Suspect Says CIA Threatened Torture First Account Of US Methods From UK Detainee By Vikram Dodd The Guardian - UK 10-4-3...
www.rense.com/general42/tort.htm   (Teoma)
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
A timeline of CIA atrocities. ... crimes committed by the CIA. ( 1) CIA operations follow the same recurring script ... backed by the CIA â will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against ...
www.korpios.org/resurgent/CIAtimeline.html   (MSN)
The Hidden History of CIA Torture: America's Road to Abu Ghraib
www.ccmep.org/2004_articles/general/091004_the_hidden.htm   (Google)
Tortured Justice - There are ugly ways to extract information from...
... A more recent case of CIA-sanctioned torture involved Efrain Bamaca Velasquez, a Guatemalan revolutionary ... being beaten, drugged, or subjected to pain per the CIA torture manuals. ...
slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2057099   (HotBot)
Scotsman.com News - International terrorism - CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture'
... CIA passed on prisoners 'for torture' GETHIN CHAMBERLAIN ... by the United States have been handed over to foreign intelligence agencies for torture, it was claimed yesterday ...
www.news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=1&id=1433692002   (BBCi)
Discourse.net: Sign of Progress on CIA Torture
www.discourse.net/archives/2004/08/sign_of_progress_on_cia_torture.html   (Google, HotBot)
Weapons of American Terrorism: Torture
The use of torture is standard procedure for the virtually demonic CIA. The CIA and the U.S. Army also teach torture techniques to client governments around the world. ... The CIA has co-existed with...
free.freespeech.org/americanstateterrorism/weapons/US-Torture.html   (HotBot, MSN)
Timeline Of The CIA
GENESIS: Timeline Of The CIA.htm. A Timeline of CIA Atrocities. by Steve Kangas. The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA. ... backed by the CIA - will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against ...
www.darrendixon.supanet.com/timelineofthecia.htm   (BBCi)
Torture was taught by CIA
Torture was taught by CIA. * Declassified manual details the methods used in Honduras* *Agency denials refuted*
flag.blackened.net/revolt/mexico/usa/cia_torture_97.html   (HotBot, MSN)
... Cruel Science -The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research. node - cybe - 31/05/2004 - 15:39 ... 08:32. The CIA Privatized Torture. node - cybe - 05/05 ...
www.100777.com/search?keys=cia&PHPSESSID=d0931239037b3175a778584ffa4c2fe4   (BBCi)
BELLACIAO - The Hidden History of CIA Torture: Americas Road to ...
bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=3320   (Google)
The Hidden History of CIA Torture - Global Analysis on the World...
News, Analysis, and Art, on the global crisis of greed and power. ... The Hidden History of CIA Torture ... What they record are CIA torture techniques that have metastasized like an undetected cancer inside the U.S. ...
www.world-crisis.com/analysis_comments/744_0_15_0_C   (HotBot, Google)
Scotsman.com News - Latest News - British Businessman Threatened with Torture by Cia'
A British businessman arrested in Gambia on suspicion of links with Islamist terrorists today alleged that he was threatened with torture and rape by CIA interrogators. Wahab al-Rawi was released after about a month of questioning last year, ... Islamist terrorists today alleged that he was threatened with torture and rape by CIA interrogators. ...
www.news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=2013284   (BBCi)
US Labor Against the War: The Hidden History of CIA Torture ...
uslaboragainstwar.org/article.php?id=6497   (Google)
Cruel Science: The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research | Autonomy ...
auto_sol.tao.ca/node/view/672   (Google)
Alexander Cockburn: The Wide World of Torture
America's Best Political Newsletter. ... St. Clair's Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press and ... Torture destroys the tortured and corrupts the society that sanctions it. Just like the FBI today ...
www.counterpunch.org/torture2.html   (HotBot)
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
... crimes committed by the CIA. ( 1) CIA operations follow the same recurring script ... backed by the CIA - will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against ...
www.100777.com/node/view/138   (BBCi)
Mark Matthews, Probe demanded into use of CIA torture manuals ...
www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/40/049.html   (Google, HotBot)
Workers World Jan. 16, 2003: CIA torture
A front-page article in the Dec. 26 Washington Post has focused attention on the CIA s decades-long policy that permits and encourages the use of torture on anyone in its custody. ... CIA torture. Hideous business, but not new ... CIA torture will not make the United States a more secure place to live ...
www.workers.org/ww/2003/cia0116.php   (HotBot, Google)
contents frame for the BRPF ... Now, the universal prohibition of torture is the latest victim of agnostic ... doubt that our CIA, over time, has taught people to torture, has encouraged torture, has probably ...
www.russfound.org/torture.htm   (BBCi)
Iraq Tactics Have Long History With US Interrogators ...
www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37340-2004Jun12.html   (Google)
[CIMC-working] CIA and Torture: Guantanamo detainees -- Rendering of...
... [CIMC-working] CIA and Torture: Guantanamo detainees -- Rendering of Prisions: Washington Post/Toronto Star ... 08:10 AM CIA using harsh tactics on captives 'Stress and duress ...
lists.indymedia.org/mailman/public/imc-chicago-working/2002-December/000406.html   (HotBot)
Seat of the Revolution - Excerpts from the CIA Torture Manual
seat.defcode.com/index.php?p=406   (Google, HotBot)
The Observer | Comment | Now the talk is about bringing back torture
Tools. Save story. The Observer. Recent articles. The Guardian. Now the talk is about bringing back torture ... torture could be regarded as morally less of crime than state-sponsored killing, because the victim stands a chance of surviving the ordeal. The targets of the CIA ...
www.observer.co.uk/comment/story/0,6903,591339,00.html   (BBCi)
UK Indymedia | CIA Torture Training
Search within results | Language Tools | Search Tips
www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/london/2004/06/292708.html   (Google)
MER - Fingering the CIA's Torture Methods
US officials say the CIA's interrogation methods are too brutal, the New York Times reports. ... officials told the paper that CIA methods were so severe, the ... if the CIA was considering procedures which violated the Geneva Convention or US laws prohibiting torture and degrading ...
www.middleeast.org/launch/redirect.cgi?num=523&a=30   (HotBot)
... TORTURE COMING TO AMERICA? ... he was not still in the employ of the CIA at the time. This demand for torture is a panic move by the government ...
www.whatreallyhappened.com/torture.html   (HotBot, Google)
Stop the War Coalition Sydney
www.stopwarcoalition.org/news/news_items.php?shownews=535   (Google)
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
A timeline of CIA atrocities. ... crimes committed by the CIA. ( 1) CIA operations follow the same recurring script ... backed by the CIA will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against ...
home.att.net/~Resurgence/CIAtimeline.html   (HotBot)
Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs: The Hidden History of CIA Torture ...
www.muhajabah.com/islamicblog/archives/the_clipboard/009229.php   (Google)
... THE CIA AND TORTURE: On the Record, Part 1 ... Is it coincidental that CIA methods of torture are replicated in many of our prisons, particularly in control unit ...
www.sonic.net/~doretk/Issues/98-12 WIN/cia&torture.html   (HotBot)
MCF - Funk: CIA Torture Facilities
www.mindcontrolforums.com/funkcia.htm   (Google)
Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs: No to Torture
The Clipboard: No to Torture. No to Torture. From an article: ... The Hidden History of CIA Torture: America's Road to Abu Ghraib - Sep 09, 2004 ... The Hidden History of CIA Torture: America's Road...
www.muhajabah.com/islamicblog/archives/the_clipboard/003017.php   (HotBot)
Asad Ismi: The CIA's Torture Lessons
www.ckln.fm/~asadismi/ciatorture.html   (Google)
Earth Operations Central: Archived From: The Government Psychiatric...
MK-Ultra: The CIA and Radiation. Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Appendix, pp. E-1.1 to 1.6. History and Organization of the Central Intelligence Agency ......
earthops.org/mk_ultra.html   (HotBot)
CIA torture techniques : "waterboarding"
www.president-bush.com/torture-waterboarding.html   (Google)
Alexander Cockburn: FBI Eyes Torture
America's Best Political Newsletter. ... Cockburn and St. Clair's Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press and discover how the CIA gave a ... to plenty of countries taught torture by CIA technicians ...
www.counterpunch.org/torture1.html   (HotBot)
America's Road to Abu Ghraib
A fifty-year history of torture by the Central Intelligence Agency led straight to the Iraqi prison. ... What they record are CIA torture techniques that have metastasized like an undetected cancer...
www.mojones.com/news/update/2004/09/09_409.html   (HotBot)
The CIA, the Mossad and torture
The CIA, the Mossad and torture. Posted By:John Wesley Mason on 9 Apr 2002 at 3:24:09 PM. In-Reply-To: Torture? ( Yawn) posted by on 3:00:05 PM 9 Apr 2002. The Wide World of Torture. By Alexander c*ckburn ... police intelligence, Mitrione helped "professionalize" torture as a routine measure and advised ...
www.free-market.net/forums/main0203b/messages/838491397.html   (HotBot)
MonkeyFilter | CIA Torture Book
Search within results | Language Tools | Search Tips
monkeyfilter.com/link.php/2916   (Google)
CIA Accused of Torture at Bagram Base
Some captives handed to brutal foreign agencies. CIA Accused of Torture at Bagram Base . ... CIA Accused of Torture at Bagram Base ... The CIA has used "stress and duress" techniques on al-Qaida suspects held at secret overseas detention centres, as well ...
www.buzzle.com/editorials/text12-26-2002-32725.asp   (HotBot)
[WW] CIA torture: hideous business, but not new
www.mail-archive.com/wwnews@wwpublish.com/msg02258.html   (Google)
Global Analysis on the World Crisis Web
www.world-crisis.com/analysis/P744/   (Google)
Martin Lee on the CIA, Drugs & Torture
... Martin Lee on the CIA, Drugs & Torture. Martin Lee on the CIA, Drugs & Torture. Via NY Transfer News * All the ...
www.mindcontrolforums.com/cia4.htm   (HotBot)
The Free Press -- Independent News Media - Bob Fitrakis
www.freepress.org/columns/display/3/2004/882   (Google)
Micah and Susan's Blog: CIA Torture Techniques
March 07, 2003. Comments. Micah, You can't imagine the rage that is building inside me from this invasion of "reality" shows. It's more proof relating to the dumbing down of America. ... CIA Torture...
blog.micah-and-susan.com/archive/000100.php   (HotBot)
Capitol Grilling: CIA torture by proxey
www.capitolgrilling.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi/topic/1/11036.html   (Google)
CIA Accused of Torture at Bagram Base
Some captives handed to brutal foreign agencies. CIA Accused of Torture at Bagram Base . What's Buzz ... Nation and World. CIA Accused of Torture at Bagram Base ... The CIA has used "stress and duress" techniques on al-Qaida suspects held at secret overseas detention centres, as ...
www.buzzle.com/editorials/12-26-2002-32725.asp   (HotBot)
... What they record are CIA torture techniques that have metastasized like an undetected cancer inside the U.S. ... Abu Ghraib were plucked from the pages of past CIA torture manuals ...
www.wbenjamin.org/WB_Kiosk.html   (HotBot)
MSNBC - Report: CIA has secret rules for al-Qaida
msnbc.msn.com/id/4969481/   (Google)
The CIA's international dirty war: US oversees abduction, torture ...
... those seized are subject to torture at the hands of foreign authorities ... ties to the CIA and where they can be subjected to interrogation tacticsincluding torture and threats to ...
www.wsws.org/articles/2002/mar2002/cia-m20.shtml   (HotBot)
Omega-News: The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research
omega.twoday.net/stories/230996/   (Google)
Index of /Politics/Conspiracy/DiNardo/CIA.Torture
www.etext.org/Politics/Conspiracy/DiNardo/CIA.Torture/   (Google)
Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs: CIA's Proxy Torture Undermines Law -...
The Clipboard: CIA's Proxy Torture Undermines Law - And Our Humanity. CIA's Proxy Torture Undermines Law - And Our Humanity. From an article: The idea that torture is acceptable in the wake of Sept....
www.muhajabah.com/islamicblog/archives/the_clipboard/003020.php   (HotBot)
Interactivist Info Exchange | Alfred W. McCoy, "Cruel Science: The ...
info.interactivist.net/article.pl?sid=04/05/30/2156244&mode=nested&tid=8   (Google)
Central America and beyond: ruminations, speculations & ...
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davidholiday.com/weblog/2004/05/cia-torture-and-guatemalan-precedent   (Google)
US Officials in CIA Use Torture Against US Prisoners
The Shalom Center is a network of American Jews who draw on Jewish tradition and spirituality to seek peace, pursue justice, heal the earth, and build community. Led by Rabbi Arthur Waskow. ... US OFFICIALS IN CIA. USE TORTURE AGAINST US PRISONERS, ... The article describes the use of torture by the CIA on non-US nationals held in various places around ...
www.shalomctr.org/index.cfm/action/read/section/EMPI/article/peace133.html   (HotBot)
Boston.com / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / Torture at ...
www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2004/05/14/torture_at_abu_ghraib_followed_cias_manual/   (Google)
derelict spaces: Comment on On CIA torture and the techniques ...
www.alphalink.com.au/~derelict/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=393   (Google)
ZNet | Foreign Policy | The Hidden History of CIA Torture:
www.zmag.org/content/print_article.cfm?itemID=6199§ionID=11   (Google)
God's Perfect Will and His Permissive Will
www.biblebelievers.org.au/nl324.htm   (Google)
United Press International: Army, CIA want torture truths exposed
www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20040518-064124-9605r   (Google)
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.truthout.org ...
www.truthout.org/docs_04/062804C.shtml   (Google)
Alfred W. McCoy | The Hidden History of CIA Torture
www.truthout.org/docs_04/printer_091104D.shtml   (Google)
Arab Media Watch - FBI 'complained about CIA torture of al-Qaeda ...
www.arabmediawatch.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1602   (Google)
Scoop: Fitrakis: A Truth Commission For The United States
Search within results | Language Tools | Search Tips
www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0405/S00067.htm   (Google)